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Choose the correct item. 1. you shouldn’t throw … old newspapers, you should recycle them. a up b away c down d in 2. the leopard is … danger of becoming extinct unless we take action. a under b to c in d from 3. the … to the ozone layer is a serious problem that must be dealt with now. a destruction b disaster c devastation d damage 4. the siberian tiger is under … of extinction. a fear b risk c danger d threat 5. the farmers have been severely affected … the period of drought. a to b from c by d in 6. unfortunately, some species of seal are … threat. a over b in c under d at 7. plants and animals need a … ecosystem in order to live. a balanced b equal c even d similar 8. if people were more environmentally aware, the world … a better place. a is b would be c was d has been 9. i’ve decided! … smoking and exercise more. a i’ll stop b i’ll be stopping c i’ll have stopped d i’m going to stop 10. i’ll teach you how to drive … you help me with my german. a unless b in case c on condition that d or else

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1b away 2  a under 3 a destruction 4 c danger 5 a to 6 b in 7 a balanced 8 b would be 9 d i`m going to stop 10 c on condition that

Ятак счастлив! вчера профессор уоллес нашел катю и сэма! они увидели изображение ангела в лесу на стене храма. найдут ли они цветок сейчас? красная рука банды все еще находится в индонезии. как мы можем нашим друзьям? что будет дальше? напиши поскорее, пока, джил

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