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20 заполните пропуски данными существительными в ed. или множ, числе по смыслу. обратите внимание на употребление артиклей: a program, a window, a word, a translation, an application, a thing, a screen, a story, an article, a mistake 1. you study? 2. how many you know? 3. do you tv? 4. which you like? 5. do you usually make 6. what kind you write? 7. will you open pleasep8. do you a scraper? 9. a large a very

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. application 2. words 3. article 4. program 5. 6. article 7. the window 8. the story 9.

1 He asked me to help him when i get free

2 Every year many schools are builded in the country

3 Don't enter the room they are discussing a vary important there.

4 You will miss the bus, if you don't hurry

5 When was you came they quarreling because of something

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