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Как перестооить предложение "after reiving a ball, players can pass,keep possession, or shoot a ball. так что бы на первом месте было подлежащие, а на втором сказуемое а обстоятельство на последнем месте?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Players can pass, keep possession or shoot a ball after receiving it.

To leave, left, left, to put put put through, to clear cleared cleared up, to export, exported, exported, to think, thought, thought, to let, let, let, to ship, to require, required, required, to go, went, gone, to have, had, had, to get, got, got, to find, found, found,  to swim, swam, swum, to spend, spent, spent, to hear, heard, heard, to listen, listened, listened,  to sell, sold, sold,  to buy, bought, bought, to bring, brought, brought, to come, came, come, to speak, spoke, spoken.

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