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Нужно письмо на .яз.и перевод на тему я заграницей(в каком я городе,где я провожу

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hello! thank you for your letter!

now i am in new-york. we got there by plain. it is the city which never slept and the city of the skyscrapers.   we visited a lot of attractions. every day we walk in a famous central park which was used in many hollywood movies. there are a lot of hotels and restaurants.  in the evening we walk in the streets and see different interesting people and places. it is great. i will never forget my journey.

have you ever been to new york? have you ever been to the usa?

sorry. i have to go now.

write me soon.


2. nephew is a daughter of a sister or a brother. 3. stepfather is another husband of you mother (after your father). 4. stepbrother is a son of a stepfather or a stepmother. 5. twin sisters are burn at (almost) the same time from you parents. 6. mother-in-law is a mother of your husband. 7. an only child is one child in a family. 8.  foster parents – who took their child from the orphanage/ shelter.  9. in-lwas: for a wife: relatives from her husband; for a husband – relatives from his wife.

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