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4complete the sentences. use: always, last year, usually, every saturday, some years ago, often, every winter, yesterday, never, last sunday, last summer, four weeks ago. 1. he is hungry. 2. you were busy 3. they are at home 4. he was in london 5. the stone of destiny was in westminster abbey 6. misha and robin were in russia 7. they were our friends 8. she was interested in horse riding 9. he is late. 10. it is cold. 11. he has orange juice for breakfast. he doesn't like it. 12. we play together. 13. his birthday was

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he is always hungry.

2. you were busy yesterday.

3. they are at home every winter.

4. he was in london four weeks ago.

5. the stone of destiny was in westminster abbey some years ago.

6. misha and robin were in russia last year.

7. they were our friends  some years ago

8. she was interested in horse riding last summer.

9. he is often  late

10. it is  usually cold.

11. he never has orange juice for breakfast. he doesn't like it.

12.we always play together. 

13. his birthday was last sunday.

1)те, кто имеет более развитый вкус слушать классическую музыку 2)если нет ничего другого,она наблюдает образовательных программ 3)дождь распространится с запада и охватить все районы к вечеру

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