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Составить текст из 12 предложений про работу. ( про работу юриста) (although i have no specific job ideas,) i am interested in a job of because besides i think the job allow me to more than that this career requires i think i i hope в тексте должны быть указаны следующие фразы(несколько из них) : 1. have good career opportunities 2. earn a high salary 3. to be financially independent 4. communication skills 5. showing initiative

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Ответы на вопрос:

    i am interested in a job of lawer, because it is interesting and i like helping people.

    every lawyer must protect the law. i think it is difficult.  besides i think the job of lawer will allow me to have success   in my life. i will  have good career opportunities. i will be able to  earn a high salary.  i must be  financially independent.    more than that   i need to work hard.  this career requires deep knoweledge, hard working and luck. i also need to develop  communication skills. and i should always  show initiative.    i think i will be a good lawer and i hope i. will be useful for people.  


2. выберите правильный модальный глагол: 1) the change tomorrow.a) may2) she to finish school in a year.a) may3) the water is cold, you swim.b) can't4) to cover the whole distance on foot.b) have3. выберите правильную форму инфинитива: 1) you may ring them up, they b) have returned2) why didn’t you ask me? 1 you.b) have helped3) it urgently.a) be done4) they on monoay.a) to arrive4. соотнесите предложения с : 1) she couldn’t come on time. c) она не могла придти вовремя. 2) she should have come on time g) ей надо было придти вовремя. 3) she may have come. f) возможно, она пришла. 4) she must have come. e) она, должно быть, пришла. 5) could she come? a) она могла бы придти? 6) she had to come on time. b) ей пришлось придти вовремя. 7) she should come on time. d) ей следует приходить вовремя. 8) she needn’t come. h) она может не приходить. 5. выберите правильную форму глагола: 1) if money i shall buy the book.a) have2) if we get the tickets, on monday.b) shall leave3) when the delegation you will have to work with them.a) arrives6. выберите правильную форму глагола: 1) if you, i- should choose the profession of an engineer.b) was c) were - оба варианта возможны, но судя по were будет "правильнее"2) if he were in moscow us.b) would visit3) if chinese i should go to china.b) knew7. выберите правильную форму глагола: 1) if i had had time the translation.b) should have finished2) if you had taken ray address you my house easily.b) would have found3) if he at the concert he would have enjoyed it.a) had been4) if we that present she would have liked it.a) had bought8. соотнесите придаточные предложения с главными: 1) if she knows english well  b) she can help you. 2) if she knew english well  a) she could help you. 3) if she had know english well  c) she could have helped you. 9. выберите правильную форму глагола: 1) i wish with us now.a) wasb) wereто же самое  b) was  c) were - оба варианта возможны, но судя по were будет "правильнее" 2) i wish at the theatre yesterday.c) had been3) i wish it before.b) had known10. выберите правильную форму глагола: 1) i suggest that you the film.c) should see2) it’s necessary that everybody the meeting.с) should attend

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