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Составить по два предложения с данными выражениями: ''to be proud of smth'' и ''to be responsible for smth/smb''!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iam proud of my son,i am proud of my kids; i am responsible for myself,i am responsible for my own safety

he is poor but he's   proud of himself. — он бедный, но у него есть чувство собственного достоинства.

he's very proud of his daughter's achievements. — он гордится успехами своей дочери.

he is   responsible for the efficient running of the office. — он несёт ответственность за эффективную работу фирмы.

who is responsible for this terrible mess? — кто в ответе за эту ужасную путаницу?

Modern technology "for" and "against." we live in an age of computer technology and can no longer imagine life without them. we are very accustomed to, for example, to the phone. it is very comfortable . with it you can contact the person being far away from each other. computer with which we go out to the internet, and contact with family and friends, even when you are on different continents. we also use the computer to search for useful information and educational purposes. still present in our lives numerous players, microwave ovens, tvs, and more on what we already do not pay attention. but each of us knows that all devices are dangerous for the body radiation, and computer games affect the brain and psyche. but even without technology, we can not do, because it is very convenient.

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