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1.! с passive voice. fill in the verbs in passive 1.too many mistakes (to make) in the dietation. 2.the clean)yesterday. 3.the film (to watch) at 6 o`clock yesterday. 2.change the sentenses into passive. 1.we watch interesting films on tv every day. 2.students take examinanations at the end of each term. 3.the haven`t brought back my skates. 4.the author is writing a new book. 5.she brought me some oranges. 6.the manager didn`t start the programm. 7.we eat a lot of ice-cream in summer. 8.didn`t the doctors keep him in hospital.

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1. were made 2. was cleaned 3. was being watched 2) 1.  interesting films are watched every day 2. examinations are taken at the end of each term 3. my skates  haven't been brought back 4. a new book is being written 5. some oranges were brought 6. the programm wasn't started 7. a lot of ice-cream is eaten in summer 8. he wasn't kept in hospital

Притчжательный глагол она she her hers. я l my mine. ты you your yours. мы we our ours. они they their theirs. он he his his. оно it its _ в 2 притяжательных, но после второво глагола ставят точки, а первый используется в начале или в середине. после 1 точку не ставят.значит 1) this is her house. это её дом. 2)that's her dog. это её собака. и так далее

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