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1) вставьте артикли 1. browns are fond of music. 2. do you collect different cards? 3. ted's uncle is collector of stamps. 4. your aunt has very good collection of christmas cards. - has she? i have never seen collection. 5. there is very interesting stamp in his collection. 6. what interesting stamps! 7. what interesting stamp! 8. stamp is very interesting 9. what funny collection! at 10. what funny hobbies! 2)напишите правильный вариант. 1. everybody (think/thinks/is thinking) it is funny. 2. everybody (is talking/are talking) about the film. 3. everything (go/ goes) wrong. 4. nobody (know/knows) what he (do/does) 5. everybody (want/wants) to know his secret. 6. everybody (is/are) having a good time. 7. everybody (was/were) there. 8. let's write a dictation(have/has) everybody got a pen? 9. everybody in britain (drink/drinks) tea. 10.(have/has) anybody seen david today? 3) напишите перевод. употребите слова never, nothink, nobody. эти слова вам : do something for somebody, know about, eat oranges, happen, know the truth, live there, see, speak to somebody, wash up, read. 1. никто не живёт там. 2. он никогда не моет посуду. 3. они ничего не знает об атом 4. oн никогда не ест апельсины. 5. она никогда не разговаривает с ним 6. ничего страшного не случилось. 7. я ничего не могу для вac сделать. 8. никто не читает сейчас. 9. они ничего не увидят 10. он никогда не будет знать правды 4) напишите правильный вариант 1. more than eight (million/millions) people live there. 2. (million millions) of people died during the war. 3. there were (hundred hundreds) of flowers in the park. 4. the tree is more than two (hundred/hundreds) years old. 5. this city has got five (thousand/thousands) different shops. 6. you can see (thousand/thousands) of birds there. 7. nobody (want/wants) to go to the doctor. 8. i never (drink/am drinking) cold milk. 9. she (didn't know/knew) nothing about computers. 10. nobody (was/wasn't/were/weren't) sad.

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1)  the, -. 2)- 3) a, - 4) the 5)a 6) - 7) an 8) the 9) a 10) -  11)


My name's John Clever. I'm an engineer. I live  in a big modern house. I built  it myself five years ago. It often is visited by different people. Theywant_____ to see it

because I am famous for my inventions. I invented) a lot of things. I made a robot which cleaned my house. Let's go on a tour of my house. You can see that the light switches on automatically. Today I have already finished) to invent a TV voice controller. It turnes on different TV channels. Look at this thing! It's my automatic cat feeder. It is made for feeding my cat Felix. Felix has just finished) its dinner.

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