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Напишите формулу оброзование present continuous

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Am,is,are + причастие настоящего времени. например: you are watching tv. you are not watching tv. are you watching tv?

To be( am is are + ving ( окончание ing в конце глагола)

1. i ( am,) at the zoo. 2. we (   are) from russia. 3. my sister ( has got ) a doll. 4. my brother and i ( have got, ) a nice dog. 5. the dog (   likes) to play with my toys. 6. my father ( works ) at the bakery. 7. look! larry (is skating). 8. we (   are writing ) a test now.  9. there (   are ) two children in the classroom. 10. there ( is) a banana on the table. 11. i`ve got ( an ) orange. 12. there is ( some) milk in the bottle. 13. we haven`t got (   any ) cheese in the fridge. 14. how ( much)bread do you need? 15. there aren`t (   many) apples in the bag. 16. my little brother has got two ( teeth) 17. kate has got five ( mice) 18. my birthday is ( in ) october. 19. (   luly`s) toys are in the box. 20. how old ( are you)?

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