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5предложений с суффиксами er в языке

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Ответы на вопрос:

She is  younger than   his sister. (она моложе, чем его сестра) this book is better. (эта книга лучше.)your answer was worse than yesterday's. (твой ответ хуже, чем вчерашний.) this film is far more interesting than that one.( этот фильм намного интересней, чем тот) this car is not so new as that one. (эта машина не такая новая как та)

The americans are very proud of their country. they say that in the usa the buildings are taller, the cigars are longer, the cars bigger, and the girls are prettier than anywhere in the world.   the english do not always agree. some say the americans are louder, richer and noisier than any other nationality. other british people think there are lots of good things about the usa like hollywood, jazz and superman. it is true that most american skyscrapers are taller than buildings in the uk, but the british think their stately homes are older and more beautiful than anything in the usa. the americans love coke and hamburgers – people in the uk think british food is much healthier. clothes are cheaper in the usa but fashion design in the uk is better than design in the usa.

3. 1. But Kate does not know the lesson.

2. She cannot read the new text.

3. Ann goes to her place and sits down.

4. The twins do not know what to do.

4. 1. False

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. 1. Are Kate and Ann twins?

2. What did teacher of English say one day?

3. Who did help Kate?

4. How did Ann read the text?

5. How did twins feel yourselves?

Популярно: Английский язык