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Ответить на вопросы по тексту. learning a foreign language isn’t an easy thing. nowadays it’s especially important to know foreign languages. some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider. i study english. it’s a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. over 300 million people speak it is a mother tongue. the native speakers of english live in great britain, the united states of america, australia and new zealand. “do you speak english? ” – with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, that speak different languages and want to find a common language. it’s very good when you hear: “yes, i do”, and start talking. people from different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in the world trade and technology as well as with each other. so it is very useful to learn foreign languages. knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people. english is very popular now. it’s the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. english language is a wonderful language. it’s the language of the great literature. it’s the language of william shakespeare, charles dickens and others. half of the world’s scientific literature is in english. it’s the language of computer technology. nearly half of all business deals in europe are conducted in english. it is the language of sports and glamour: the official language of the olympics and the miss universe competition. english is the official voice of the air and the sea, and christianity: it is the ecumenical language of the world council of churches. the largest broadcasting companies in the world (cbs, nbs, abc, bbc) transmit in english to audiences that regularly exceed one hundred million. the great german poet goette once said, “he, who knows no foreign language, doesn’t know his own one”. that’s why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to learn foreign languages. speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite tv programs. if you like traveling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you. i think that to know english today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist. questions: 1 .is it an easy thing to learn a foreign language? 2. why do people learn foreign languages? 3. do you know any foreign language? 4. where do the native speakers of english live? 5. what can you say about the english language?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. it isn't easy to learn a foreign language. 2. people learn foreign languages because they need them for their work, hobby or they travel abroad. 3. yes, i know foreign language. 4. t he native speakers of english live in great britain, the united states of america, australia and new zealand.  5.  english is very popular now. it’s the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. it’s the language of the great literature.


1.   he didn't turn up? what a dirty trick!

он так и не появился? что за подлость!

  jack, please, turn up the radio.

джек, , сделай радио погромче.

2. don't worry, madam, we will set up this statue very careful.

  не волнуйтесь , мы аккуратно установим эту статую.

    you need a holiday to set you up again after all that hard work.

после всей этой тяжёлой работы тебе нужно отдохнуть, чтобы восстановить силы.

3.   this beautiful church was built up in last century. isn't is gorgeous?

    это прекрасная церковь была построена еще в прошлом веке. разве она не великолепна?

ross took twenty years to build up his business.

у росса ушло двадцать лет, чтобы создать свой бизнес.

4. randy didn't gave up when life gave him that terrible gift

  рэнди не сдался, когда жизнь преподнесла ему этот ужасный подарок

  oh, ann, didn't you know? real heroes never give up. so, this weakling didn't deserve to be called that

  о, анна, разве ты не знала? настоящие герои никогда не . поэтому, этот слабак не заслужил так себя нарекать

5. i used to be scared of clown make up when i was a little silly girl

  раньше я боялась клоунского грима, когда была маленькой глупой девочкой

  we've got quite a lot of leeway to make up.

нам ещё довольно многое нужно наверстать.

6. what cockamamie excuse will he come up with this time?

какое смехотворное оправдание он придумает на этот раз?

let me know if you come up with anything.

если тебе придет что-нибудь в голову, скажи мне

7.   while you're in london, do look up our old teacher, he'll be pleased to see you.

когда окажешься в лондоне, навести нашего старого учителя, он будет рад тебя видеть.

things are looking up.

положение улучшается.

8.   oh, i didn't charge up my phone battery. what a pity

о, я не зарядил аккумулятор своего телефона. как жаль

just charge up your brain of fun, dude and catch the moment

чувак, просто заряди свой мозг весельем   и лови момент


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