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The lake ontario is located in part of the usa. a northwestern c northeastern b southwestern d southeastern 5 it has vast areas of . a natural blar c abundant d fertile 6the nation's founders spoke a spanish b italian c english d russian 7 the name of the capital should not be with a state on the pacific coast. b out a down c up d aside & 8 the capital no other city of the usa a love b resemble c like d name after 9 the weather in the usa is c changeable d similar a mild b, cold 10 the word "michigan means b a large lake a heat of the goven d covered with snow c coloured red

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The lake ontario is located in part of the usa. c northeastern 5 it has vast areas of . d fertile 6 the nation's founders spoke c english 7 the name of the capital should not be with a state on the pacific coast. c up 8 the capital no other city of the usa. c like 9 the weather in the usa is c changeable 10 the word "michigan means b a large lake


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