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Look and say. use must or mustn't . 1)do not feed the animals. 2)do not ride bikes. 3)do not play loud music. 4)leave your pets at home. 5)put your rubbish in the bin. 6)do not run.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Не совсем понятно. я ответила, что должна делать, а, что нет. 1. must 2. must 3. mustn't 4. mustn't 5. must 6. musn't

Вправом верхнем углу по порядку пишешь flat № (и номер своей квартиры), строчкой ниже номер дома, улицу (37, energeticov street) строчкой ниже    город, индекс (moscow, 555555) двумя строчками ниже число (25  october, 2015) далее пропускаешь 2 строчки и слева с красной строки пишешь     dear stan, thank you for your letteк. it was so great to hear from you. i`m so sorry i haven`t answer you earlier but i was very busy.   (красная строка) you asked me about getting  a pet. wow, it`s so cool! of course, you should have pet. i think, you should get a cat, `cause it`s the most quiet animals and they don`t have to be walked. in my opinion, you should get pet from an animal shelter. there`re too many homeless animals there. i take care of my pet. i feed it, clean up after it.    ( красная строка) well, it`s time to do my homework. looking forward to your reply. (красная строка) best wishes, (кр. строка)   derek.   

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