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Нужно! say how your life will be different in five years' time. make sentences using future continuous and future perfect.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Скажите, как ваша жизнь будет другой в пять лет. сделайте предложения, используя будущее и будущее непрерывного

1.my boss is on holiday. he italy.b. has gone2.andrew says that he’s very new technologies.a. interested3.— have you typed the letter yet? — yes, i long ago.ñ. typed4.she will stay there till she message.a. gets5.my knowledge of english is i’m afraid.b. poor6. i only bought this magazine because it seemed me.ñ. interesting7.all the people hall. you may switch off the light.a. have left8.you look so sad, ? ñ. have you been  crying9.this is a wonderful car. who ? a. does it belong10. wait here till the secretary .b. calls11. where is my mobile? where ? b. did i leave12.i’ll let you know about it if the situation a. changes13.the last bus ñ. several minutes ago

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