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Завершите телефонный разговор. используй слова box office: good afternoon. the paramount theatre. (1) ………. help you? bob: hello. (2) ………. tell me what time hamlet (3) ………. tonight? box office: (4) ………. it's on (5) ………. o'clock. bob: right. and could you also (6) ………. me (7) ………. the theatre restaurant (8) ………. ? box office: yes, it opens at 6.30 and it (9) ………. eleven o'clock. bob: great. (10) ………. a) at eight b) can i c) certainly d) closes at e) could you f) is on g) opens h) tell i) thank you very much j) what time

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Ответы на вопрос:

Box office: good afternoon. the paramount theatre. can i help you? bob: hello. could you tell me what time hamlet is on  tonight? box office:   certainly. it's on  at eight   o'clock. bob: right. and could you also tell me  what time the theatre restaurant opens? box office: yes, it opens at 6.30 and it closes at eleven o'clock.bob: great. thank you very much.


1. семь часов ,сорок две минуты

2.восемь часов ,сорок пять минут

3.двенадцать часов ,пятнадцать минут

4.три часа ,тридцать минут

5.четыре часа ,сорок пять минут

6.шесть часов ,пятнадцать минут

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