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Перевидите на с ( посмотрите на картинку , что делают эти люди? это летчик он самолетом , это пекарь он печет хлеб , это ветиринар он осматривает собаку , это официант он подает напитки.)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1). look at the picture!  

what are these people doing?

this is a pilot - he is flying a plane. 

this is a baker - he is baking bread.      

this is a vet - he is examining the dog. 

this is a waiter - he is serving drinks.

2). look at the picture! this is my family. we're in the garden. there are many flowers and fruit trees in our garden. father is working. the garden is his hobby. that's me. i'm helping my father. mother is watering the flowers near the house. my younger brother dima is playing with his friend under a big apple tree. our pets are with us. the dog tobik and the cat murka are playing with the boys.

Richard found a prestigious job at a travel agency.

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