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Complete the following sentences. 1. peter isn't in class (he/be ill/ for a week). 2.she doesn't know the way ther (she/never/be there). 3. he knows english well (he/live in england/ for three years). 4. don't ask me about the film (i/ not to see/ it). 5. don't describle the place to me (i/ be there several times). 6.i know him very well (we/ be friends/ since chilhood). 7. how is he? (i/ not to see him lately). 8. there is nobody in the house. (everybody/ to leave). 9. i am not hungry (i/ have lunch/ already). 10. i don't need the menu (i/meke an order)

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Ответы на вопрос:

He has been ill for a week. she has never been there. he has been living in england for three years. i haven't seen it. i have been there several times. we have been friends since childhood. i haven't seen him lately. everybody has left. i have already had lunch. i have made an order

1. how long have you learnt english? 2. how long has your  teacher worked here? 3. how long have you known your best friends? 4. how long have you been at  school? 5. how long has your best friend lived in this town? 6. how long have you had mobile phone?

Популярно: Английский язык