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(the door) i have painted the door red. (the (the (the the on near (the near ( the near to repaint to paint to decorate to put.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Какую комнату ты хотел бы иметь? представь, что вы сделали в комнате изменения. нарисуй картинки. напиши, что ты изменил. опиши эти вещи. используй глаголы из рамочки.(перекрасить, красить, украсить, поставить) i have painted the door light-brown  i have  put my wardrobe on the left  near the bookcase  i have  painted the floor orange. i have decorated the wall with the carpet. i have repainted the floor   light-brown.  i have  put the carpet on the floor  near the wardrobe.  i have  put my bed near  the desk.  i have  put my desk near the window. 

Dear friend!

Hi (имя друга) i saw from your email that you havent been very successful in making friends. And that's alright! Going to a new place and adapting to the area is a challenge. Well her's my opinion on this situation. First off you have to be brave and come up to some people that you think may be good friends, but dont judge them by their look. Second, you have to learn about their interests, and who knows maybe you will enjoy their hobbies as much! Always respect their interests, even if you think they're absurd of boring. If you want friends you have to be nice too! And lastly i want you to be confident, not egoistic but confident enough to approach them!

Always remember having friends will only benefit you!

I hope this helps! I wish you all the best!

take care. your friend (ваше имя)

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