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Как по украински или по будет "lanrgest"?

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plays a very important role in everyone's life. It is not for nothing that they say that "by clothes they meet...". every person in their life falls under the influence of fashion, which dictates to Society what, where and when to wear.

Before exploring the world of fashion, which is a huge, unknown, complex world, let's first understand the meaning of the word FASHION. I searched for the definition of this word in dictionaries and encyclopedias of various authors and this is what I learned.

The word "fashion" comes from the Latin word modus - measure, image, method, rule, prescription.

Fashion is the temporary dominance of a certain style in any sphere of life or culture. Determines the style or type of clothing, ideas, behavior, etc., which is popular in society at a certain period of time.

Fashion is a current custom; a temporary, changeable whim in everyday life, in society, in the cut of clothing and in dresses.

Fashion is a combination of tastes and views that prevail in a certain social environment at a certain, usually short time.

Fashion is a short - term domination of a certain taste in any sphere of life or culture.

Fashion - domination (often short) in a particular time in a particular environment, certain tastes, preferences in clothing, household items, certain cultural values,

Fashion is a subject (usually clothes) that meets the tastes and attitudes prevailing in a particular social environment in some, usually short, time.

Different sources of information give approximately the same interpretation of this word, but I still decided to highlight what is common in all explanations and is the key words in the definition:

DOMINATION or WHIM - what a person prefers to do or have,

TEMPORARY, SHORT, SHORT time - a fleeting, easily changing preference.

STYLE, TASTE, CLOTHING - the very object of preference.

Summing up my research, I realized why FASHION is often compared to a "capricious woman" who often demands immediate fulfillment of her whims, easily and quickly changes her mood, her Hobbies, and at the same time feels great, and does not notice, however, that others cause a lot of trouble.

That's how fashion is: it changes easily and quickly, forcing people to change their whims, views, preferences, tastes, and clothes just as quickly. At the same time, some feel joy and happiness, while others feel regret and despair.

Why is this happening? Who creates fashion? Let's look at the history of fashion, when it appeared and how it developed?


The path of Russian fashion was long and not easy. From the history of clothing that we learn in technology classes, I know that even in primitive society, people made their own clothes to protect themselves from the cold. Later, they also began to decorate their clothes with embroidery, make jewelry from wood, bones and other improvised materials. Probably, these were the first sprouts of fashion. But centuries and even millennia passed before the world started talking about fashion as a social, class, aesthetic and moral phenomenon.

From the literature, I learned that the creators of fashion in the 16th century were mainly French kings and their noble courtiers. Court fashion spread rapidly throughout Europe and changed frequently. There were printed illustrated publications, which were worked on by talented painters and engravers. These are the prototypes of modern fashion magazines.

In Russia, European clothing appeared thanks to the reforms of Peter I. Until that time, the history of fashion in Russia meant clothes with a simple cut that did not change for a long time. Before Peter's reforms, both women and men wore clothes of almost the same cut. As a rule, clothes were made at home because every woman was required to keep house sparingly, which meant sewing, cutting and embroidering clothes for all family members. Clothes passed on by inheritance.

Traditional folk clothing, which is not subject to fashion, has not changed its appearance for centuries. It was beautiful and comfortable — according to the concepts of more than one generation of people. And so it was stable.


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