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Перевести на следующие предложения) 1. всё было хорошо до того, как она не встретила его. 2.парень с тяжелым характером и загадочным прошлым. 3. он научился жить, скрывая боль за маской улыбки. 4. он был для нее лишь начальником. 5. она стала для него всем. 6. эта книга учит слушать свое сердце и действовать, как подсказывает интуиция. буду !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. everything was fine before she met him. 2.a guy with a bad temper and mysterious past. 3. he learned to live, hiding the pain behind a mask of smiles. 4. he was her only boss. 5. she became everything to him. 6. this book teaches to listen to your heart and act as intuitively

1. everything was fine before she met him. 2.paren a difficult character and a mysterious past . 3. he learned to live , hide the pain behind the mask of a smile. 4. he was a chief for her. 5. she became everything to him . 6. this book teaches us to listen to your heart and act as intuitively .

My name is (твое имя). i'm (возраст).  i like to go to school. my favorite object is math.  i like animals: cats, dogs, horses.  my favorite season is summer. it's very hot and sunny. because i like to swim and ride a bicycle.  i like to read, watch movie, draw. 

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