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Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or present perfect. 1.a: i …(1)…(see) this film before. b: me too, but i love this actor. he…(2)…(play) a lot of good roles.a: tom cruise? i…(3)…(meet) him, you know. b: really? when? a: when i…(4)…(be) in losangeles on holiday. 2.a: who is that man? b: he’s an artist. he’s…(1)…(paint) a lot of beautiful pictures. a: i think van gogh…(2)…(paint) the most beautiful pictures ever. but his life…(3)…(be) miserable. 3.a: i…(1)…(just / hear from) an old friend of mine.b: oh, really? a: yes. jim…(2)…(write) to me. i…(3)…(get) the letter this morning.b: that’s nice. when…(4)…(you / first / meet) him? a: he…(5)…(live) next door to me for more than three years, but he…(6)…(move) away last june and i…(7)…(not / see) him since.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. have seen this film before 2. has played 3. have met him 4. i was 1.has paint 2. has paint 3.was 1. i have just heard 2. wrote 3. got 4. have you first met him 5. lived 6. moved 7. have not seen

1. we will have shipped  the goods by 5 o'clock.2. they will have shipped   the goods when your telegram arrives.3. they will have shipped   the goods tomorrow.4. he will has booked  hispassage to stumble in a week.5.  by the end of the next year he  will has  concluded a deal.

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