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What do the new words mean? решите ) на завтра надо. добрые люди решитее: ) a) 1. the job was uneasy and we finished it only late in the evening. 2. the house was old and unclean. i didn't like it. 3. why are you unhappy today? 4. if you are unwell, go to see your doctor. 5. the children were uninterested in their mother's story. 6. the meeting was unofficial but a lot of people came it. 7. jane wanted to go to university but was unsuccessful. 8. the day was unpleasant - wet and cold.

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30°, 30°, 120°


треугольник равнобедренный.

по теореме об углах равнобедренного треугольника два его угла, противолежащие равным сторонам, равны между собой.

третий угол, по условию , на 90° больше каждого из них.

следовательно, сумма равных углов равна 180° - 90° = 90°, и каждый из них равен 90°: 3 = 30°. тогда больший угол составит 90° + 30° = 120°

1. the job was difficult and we finished it only late in the evening.

2. the house was old and dirty. i didn't like it.

3. why are you sad today?

4. if you are sick  go to see your doctor.

5. the children were indifferent  in their mother's story.

6. the meeting was spontaneous  but a lot of people came it.

7. jane wanted to go to university but was  thriveless.

8. the day was  poor (bad)  - wet and cold.

я как поняла, их заменить надо.

1. the job was heavy 

and we finished it only late in the evening2. the house was old and dirty. i didn't like it..

3. why are you sad today?

4. if you are sick, go to see your doctor.

5. the children were indifferently  in their mother's story.

6. the meeting was familiar  but a lot of people came it.

7. jane wanted to go to university but was thriveless.

8. the day was bad- wet and cold.

2 задание:

2. Because I'm hungry.

3. It's John's.

4. He's forty.

5. Yesterday.

6. It'so under your book.

7. It'so John.

8. Three.

9. There'so a lot.

3 задание:

2. What is your friend doing?

3. Whose pencils are these?

4. How old is your mum?

5. When did you draw this picture?

4 задание:

2. why

3. whose

4. How

5. When

6. where

7. who

8. how many

9. how much

1 задание:

2. I will sing 3. I won't play 4. I will play 5. I will have 6. will see

7. I will be 8. I will fly 9. I won't live 10. I will live

11. I will play 12. I won't play 13. I will play 14. will come

2 задание:

2. Yes, they will.

3. No, she won't

4. She will be an astronaut

5. She will live on the moon

6. No, he won't

7. He will play basketball

8. His family and friends will watch him

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