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Переведите на ( нина анатольевна ,я хочу рассказать вам о своей внешности.начину с лица , у меня русые волосы , темные карие глаза ,нос картошкой и ямочка когда высокий рост ,сильная спина ,широкие плечи ,но худое тело и это мой минус…ноги мощные и сильные так как занимаюсь волейболом ,но в шрамах оставшихся с детства .ступни ног длинные с короткими пальцами все.)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello nina anatolyevna ,i want to tell you about their appearance.i'll start with the face , i have brown hair ,very dark brown eyes ,bulbous nose and a dimple when you tall ,strong back ,broad shoulders ,but a thin body and it my legs powerful and strong as do volleyball ,but the scars remaining from childhood .feet long with stubby fingers that is all.

Hello nina anatolyevna ,i want to tell you about their appearance.starting from the face , i have brown hair ,very dark ka rie eyes ,bulbous nose and a dimple when you tall ,strong back ,broad shoulders ,but a thin body and it my legs powerful and strong as do volleyball ,but the scars remaining from childhood .feet long with stubby

1. Are
2. Had watched
3. Mixes
4. Wouldn’t have attended
5. Were

1. Looked, had passed
2. Did Peter arrive on time, had been waiting
3. Have arrived,

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