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1. my friend … from london. a) am b) is c) are 2. alice … got an apple. a) have b) has c) having 3. …russia is a country, …usa is a country too. a) - , the b) - , - c) the, - 4. we don’t go to school … sundays. a) at b) in c) on 5. there is … tea in her cup. a) much b) many c) any 6. my story is the … of all. a) more interesting b) much interesting c) most interesting 7. mike saw five … in the kitchen. a) mouse b) mice c) mousse 8. we never … in winter. a) travel b) travels c) traveling 9. yesterday at 7 o’clock mark … football. a) played b) play c) was playing 10. ben … to london next week. a) will come b) comes c) was coming 11. i … to music yesterday. a) listen b) listened c) will listen 12. it is seven degrees below zero. a) семь градусов выше ноля. b) семь градусов ниже ноля. c) семнадцать градусов выше ноля. 13. where … the money? a) am b) are c) is 14. peter, did, his, visit, when, friend? a) when did peter visit his friend? b) when peter did visit his friend? c) when did peter his friend visit? 15. there … many flowers in the garden. a) is b) am c) are 16. we … christmas at home. a) prepared b) celebrated c) made 17. … mary go away? a) does b) do c) have 18. at this moment polly … tv. a) watched b) is watching c) are watching 19. 20. я умею готовить кашу на завтрак. a) i may cook porridge for dinner. b) i should cook porridge for breakfast. c) i can cook porridge for breakfast. 21. that evening was really … a) wonder b) wonderful c) wondering

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) b 2)b 3)a 4)c 5) 6)c 7)b 8)a 9)c 10)a 11)c/ 12)a 13)c 14)a 15)c 16)b 17)a 18)b 20)c 21)b

Achair some sugar a stamp a book some petrol a tree some air a money a pound a music a job a work an apple some fruit a tomato some tomato soup some problem some iformation так!

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