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Позя 1) if you (heat) ice it melts. 2)unless she (call) we wont leave. 3) if i (be) you id go on the adventure torn. 4)if you leave metal out in the rain it (rust) 5)if whe (have) more free time shed join a gym 6) she (travel) abroan if she had engough money. 7)if i were you i (not/try) this dish 8) well go to the beach if it (not/rain)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1heat 2calls 3were. 4rusts(will rust) 5had 6would travel 7wouldn't try 8doesn't rain в следующий раз пиши без ошибок,а то приходится догадываться

1)heat 2)call 3)was 4)will rust 5)had 6)would travel 7)wouldn't try 8)doesn't rain

Gave, speaks, will spend, were staying, arrange  нажми : )

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