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Перевести на : летом часто светит солнце. трава зелёная. много птиц поют. цветы распускаются по утрам. небо безоблачное. много людей гуляют по улицам. дует легкий ветер. в озёрах тёплая вода. люди в отпуске. я люблю лето.

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Ответы на вопрос:

In summer the sun shines often. the grass is green. many birds sing. flowers bloom in the morning. the sky is cloudless. a lot of people walking through the streets. blowing a light wind. in the lakes warm waters. people are on vacation. i love the summer

In summer, the sun shines often. the grass is green. many birds sing. flowers bloom in the morning. the sky is cloudless. many people


masha is so pretty, she has black shoulder-lengh hair. also she has big blue eyes and tiny mouth. maria is so skinny and she has pale complexion. she isn't overweight.

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