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Переведите на язык, употребляя глаголы в форме present simple. у меня есть сестра. ее имя анна. анне девять лет. она учится в школе в третьем классе. анна хорошая ученица. она получает только хорошие оценки. анна просыпается в семь утра. она встает, умывается, чистит зубы и делает утреннюю зарядку. в семь тридцать она завтракает. анна уходит в школу в восемь часов. она не едет автобусом, а идет пешком. из школы моя сестра возвращается в три часа. она не делает сразу уроки. анна сначала обедает, потом идет на прогулку. сестра начинает делать уроки в i пять часов.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihave got a sister. her name is anna. anne is nine years old. she studies at school in the third grade. anna is a good student. she  only gets good marks. anna wakes up at seven o'clock  in the morning. she gets up, washes, cleans the teeth and does morning exercises. at seven-thirty she has breakfast. anna goes to school at eight o'clock. she doesn't ride by bus, and she walkes. my sister  comes back  from school at three hours. she doesn't make her lessons immediately. the first  anna  has dinner, then she takes a walk. my sister starts making her homeworks at five o'clock.

1. i wish the radio would broadcast the president's entire speech. 

2. he wishes he to not forget to mail the letter when he goes to school.

3. we wish we had time to watch the children playing outside. 

4. her husband wished she did not spend so much money on clothes.

5. i wish it did not have to rain very hard now. i have to leave in a few minutes.

6. we wish we could get a raise in the salary soon.

7. mother wishes she never forget the wonderful trip.

8. the host wishes the guests will come by the time announced.

9. they wished their travel agent planned carefully their itinerary long before the trip.

10. i wish my employer will not assign me too many duties.

11. mrs. jackson wished the company will giver her a month's notice before dismissing her.

12. she wishes she will not fail her course in psyschology tomorrow.

13. i wish you will not watch tv when i am so busy cleaning the house.

14. we wished we could make reservations ahead of time.  

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