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Iii. раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного. 1. he was the (eld) in the family. 2. this is the (small) room in our flat. 3. i need a (warm) coat. 4. (good) late than never. 5. that’s the (funny) story i’ve ever heard. iv. вставьте модальные глаголы can или may. 1. … you help me? 2. you … never say what … happen next. 3. she asked me if she … use my telephone. 4. … i use your pen? 5. … i find a pen on that table?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iii 1  eldest 2 smallest 3 warmer 4 better 5 funniest iv 1 can 2  can, may 3 may 4 may 5 can

fashion is a rapidly changing part of a style. Everyone hears these words and assassinates them in different ways. Each person has his own fashion style. You won’t get behind fashion, as they say "they don’t argue about tastes." nothing is given just like that. money is needed for everything. Therefore, I believe that fashion is a luxury.

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