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Вэтом нужно поставить глагол в правильную форму. 1.look! somebody … (break) that window. 2.i … (read) the book you gave me but i … (not/finished) it yet. 3.'sorry i'm late.' 'that's all right. i … (not/wait) long. 4.hello! i … (clean) the windows. so far i … (clean) five of them and there are two more to do. 5.there is a strange smell here … (you/cook) something? 6.my brother is an actor. he … (appear) in several films.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.        look! somebody has broken that window.

2.        i read  the book you gave me but i haven't finished it yet.

3.        'sorry i'm late.' 'that's all right. i was not waiting  long.

4.        hello! i am cleaning the windows. so far i have cleaned five of them and there are two more to do.

5.        there is a strange smell here. have you cooked something?

6.        my brother is an actor. he appeared in several films.

1.          look! somebody …is  (breaking) that window.

2.          i have … (read) the book you gave me but i have not finished it yet.

3.          'sorry i'm late.' 'that's all right. i was … (not waiting) long.

4.          hello! i …am (cleaning) the windows. so far i …have  (cleaned) five of them and there are two more to do.

5.          there is a strange smell here are… (you cooking) something?

6.          my brother is an actor. he … (appears in several films.

Present simple : what time do you usually get up? во сколько ты обычно встаешь? past simple: what did you do yesterday? что ты делал вчера? future simple: will you visit your granny tomorrow? ты навестишь завтра бабушку? past cont: what were you doing when i called you yesterday at 5? что ты делал вчера в 5 ч, когда я тебе позвонил? present perf: have you ever been to spain? ты когда-нибудь был в испании? past perfect: by the time you come home, had my mother already left? к тому времени, когда ты пришел домой, твоя мама уже ушла?

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