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1put the questions to the italicized words and phrases. usually employers are looking for a person to do a specific job. that is why it is highly recommended before you send a resume, that you research the available position and the firms to which you are sending your resume. the second most important step is to prepare for an interview. some interviewers ask a set of questions which seem to be unrelated to the actual job but which show your personal characteristics. test 1 his is very important for us (opinion, popular, think, two) 2 books were read last year. (those, it, this, one) 3 mike is unemployed. (mike doesn't work, mike works a lot, mike does overtime, mike works unsocial hours) 4 is tom going to play on the bridge? (no, she isn't; yes, he is; yes, it is; yes she will) 5 we institute every friday. (attend, has attended, was attended, is attending) 6 my brother and i born in almaty. (were, is, been, was) 7 he (to send) fot the doctor. (was sent, was send, are send, have been sent) 8 is a shortened form of a word or phrase. (conclusions, abstract, abbreviation, acknowledgments, references) 9 find a synonym: i work unsocial hours. (do overtime, run a departament, sort out people, have a lot of responsibility) 10 match two sentences so that the underlined expressions have similar meanings: when you read a piece of text in the exam, you should read it quickly first to get the general idea. a) you should include full details of your past experience b) once you have the gist, it should be easier to understand it c) most manufacturers are aware that these characteristics are what help sell their product d) for example, it one of the peculiarities of the british system that judges and lawyers wear wigs in court

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. who usually looks for a person to do a specific job? employers 2. when do you have to  research the available position and the firms to which you are sending your resume. before you send a resume,

3. is preparation for the interview an important step?   it is the second most important step

4. what kind of  questions do some interviewers ask? which show your personal characteristics.


1. opinion

2. those

3. mike doesn't work

4. yes, he is

5. attend

6. were

7. was sent

8. abbreviation

9. do overtime

10. a.b


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