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Exercise 4.1. translate into english: 1. мой родной город был основан во время царствования николая i. 2. первое укрепление на месте современного сочи было названо в честь императрицы александры. 3. во время великой отечественной войны войска дважды захватывали наш город. 4. владимир — один из древнейших городов. 5. мягкий климат и плодородные земли всегда привлекали захватчиков на берега кубани. 6. великий изобретатель владимир комаров жил и работал в нашем городе. 7. современный новороссийск — это крупнейший портовый город на побережье черного моря. 8. наш город является одновременно крупным индустриальным и центром региона

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my home town was founded during the reign of nicholas i.2. the first fortification on the place of modern sochi was named in honor of the empress alexandra.3. during the world war ii german troops captured our city twice.4. vladimir is one of the oldest russian cities.5. the mild climate and fertile land has always attracted invaders to the kuban banks.6. the great russian engineer vladimir komarov lived and worked in our city.7. modern novorossiysk is the largest port city at the black sea coast.8. our city is both the largest industrial and historic center of the region.

Iwant to tell you about my adventure! there was excellent! at first i went to our hotel, it was on the city center. n.y is the center of model business, there are many shops there. at firs i wet to the famous shops! i bought there many clothes. then i went to the restaurant with my friends. it was tasty) after that we went to the famous museum, there were house of wax! it looks really) i like it very much)

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