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Вставить артикли the, a/an, или нулевой артикль l) was rather small but breathtakingly beautiful. elephant is a remarkably strong animal. 3) there was huge castle in front of them. 4) i can't open . i've lost my key 5) you have given her as a gift is really awesome. 6) what peaceful valleys there are! 7) answer is: "yes! ". 8) we always stay at five-star hotels when we go to . 9) sun is planet, it is . 10) it picturesque place.

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An, an, a, a,а, an, а,а,9-а,а.10-а

My morning begins early. at seven o`clock i am in the kitchen for breakfast. i have porridge, eat to sandwiches and drink a cup of strong tea. then i go to school. in class we read russian and english books, do sums and write a lot. at 12 o`clock we have lunch. i eat some chicken and drink orange juice. at 3 o`clock our teacher gives us our homework and we go home.мое утро начинается рано. в семь часов я на кухне на завтраке. у меня есть каша, ем  бутерброды, пью чашку крепкого чая. затем я иду в школу. в классе мы читаем и книги, делаем суммы и пишем много. в 12 часов у нас обед. я ем курицу и пью апельсиновый сок. в 3 часа  наш учитель дает нам и мы идем домой.

Популярно: Английский язык