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Change the sentences to indireect speech 1) where do you come from? the children wonder from. 2)how much cheese did you buy yesterday? mother asks yesterday 3) when do you go to the swimming pool? my teacher asks to the swimming pool

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the children wonder where did you come from. 2. mother asks how much cheese have you bought yesterday. 3. my teacher asks when i would go to the swimming pool.

1)hide-and-sick skip won't ball games please table tennis 2)-do you like play football? -yes, we like play football -do you have lunch at school? -no, we haven't -do you do your home work? -yes, we do 3) -do they like play football? -yes, they do. -do they have lunch at school? -no, they don't -do they do their home work? -yes, they do

Популярно: Английский язык