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1прочитайте предложения, определите грамматическое время, выпишите сказуемое. (настоящее простое (pr.s) или настоящее продолженное время (pr.c)) 1. i usually go to the park on sundays. (pr.s/ pr.c) 2. john is wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt now. (pr.s/ pr.c) 3. be quiet! little tom is sleeping. (pr.s/ pr.c) 4. bob speaks english rather well, doesn`t he? (pr.s/ pr.c) 5. i am a student, i am not a teacher. (pr.s/ pr.c)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. simple 2. cont. 3. cont. 4. simple 5. simple

1pr.s 2 pr.c 3 pr.c 4 pr.s 5 pr.c

the earth is the place where we live,it is our home and the task is to protect it and appreciate all it gives to us. if the humanity change nothing in a thousand of years our planet will not exist. we should start doing something and give a chance to next generations to live in a peaceful and beautiful home.

Популярно: Английский язык