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Complete the following sentences with your ideas 1. you wouldn't have felt ill if you 2. if she didn't gossip about her friends, 3. if he had listened to my advice, 4. wouid you forgive me if

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-not walking around in winter without a hat-не разгуливал зимой без шапки 2-could be friends with everybody without problems- могла бы  дружить со всеми без проблем 3- never got involved with bad people and did not get to the hospital-не связался бы  с людьми и не попал в больницу4-admit i'm wrong to dispute with you-признаю свою неправоту в споре с тобой

1v.cars are made in germany. 2a lot of rice is eaten in india. 3coca-cola is produced in the usa. 4frogs are eaten in france 5coffee is grown in brazil

Популярно: Английский язык