Надо раскрыть скобки) нужно! 1. why he(to smoke) now? he never (to smoke) before 2.i (ti visit) this country many times since that time 3.where ( to be) ypur husband? - he (to be) in the kitchen. he (to come) home yen minutes ago and he( to have) dinner now 4. as soon as she ( to come) home, she (to understand) that her children( to sleep)

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1.b librarian 2.c exchange 3. hospitable 4. traditional 5.dangerous 2. 1.eats 2.is sleeping 3.washes 4.is running 5.do 3. 1.- 2.at 3.with 4.to 5.- 4.1.what is father reading at the moment ? 2.is father reading at the moment?

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