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Возьми 10-15 к тексту и обдумай/обсуди их


Focus on

• Future Plans

• Travel

• Dreams and Reality

• Future Simple

• Future Continuous

• Future Continuous vs Future Simple

• Future Perfect Simple vs Future Perfect Continuous

• Ways of Expressing Future

• Clauses of Time and Condition

• both, either, neither / both ... and /either ... or / neither ... nor

• Further Practice: Articles

Future simple


• a statement of a future fact

The journey will take six hours.

These expressions are usually used with Future Simple:

tomorrow (morning/afternoon/evening) / the day after tomorrow / in (the near)

future / soon / one of these days / in a few minutes / in a moment /in a week /in

(five) months’ time / in a week’s time, etc.

• to predict the future

In the future, machines will do many of the jobs that people do now.

When future is predicted, will is very often used with the following verbs

and expressions:

think I think they’ll win the competition this time.

expect I expect they’ll be here at 10 о ‘clock tomorrow morning.

believe I believe I’ll be rich and famous some day.

be sure I’m sure you’ll enjoy your holiday abroad very much.

be afraid Helen can’t keep a secret. I’m afraid she’ll tell everybody.

hope Mike hopes he’ll have a well-paid job in 6 years’ time.


a) with adverbs of probability

probably It will probably rain later this evening.

perhaps Perhaps, I’ll see you tomorrow.

• for a sudden decision made at the time of speaking

Wait a minute — I’ll open the door.

• to show willingness to do or not to do something in the future

I promise I’ll give up smoking. I’ll never speak to her again.




He/She/It will (’ll) work tomorrow.





a) will is used with all persons (I, you, he, they, etc.).

b) shall is used instead of will with I or we, but in everyday speech,

will is more common.

c) in spoken English, ’ll is used with subject pronouns. He’ll be there in time.

But: John will be there in time.

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Future Simple. Use contraction

(’ll) where possible.

Example: I think I (be) in Liverpool next week. — I think

I’ll be in Liverpool next week. Fiona (be) 20 in March. — Fiona

will be 20 in March.

1. They (arrive) home before midnight tonight.

2. Don’t worry. I (pay) for the damage to your car.

3. The company (give) you an extra day’s holiday.

4. “Would you like something to drink?”—”Oh, thank you. I

(have) some apple juice.”

5. Don’t touch wire! You (hurt) yourself.

6. I think the trip (be) rather exciting.

7. “I’m too tired to walk home.”—”Don’t worry. My brother

(give) you a lift.”


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