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Перевести текст на язык. я ездила в большой магазин. я купила там bean boozled. это конфеты с обычным и необычным вкусом. я подарила их своей однокласнице маше на день рождения. она была рада потому что она давно хотела их попробовать. я жду от тебя ответа. пиши мне.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iwent to the big shop. i bought bean boozled there. this is a sweets with usial and unusial taste. i gave them to my classmate masha on her birthday. she was very happy, because she wanted to try them a long time ago. i wait an answer by you. write to me.

Iwent to a big store. i bought bean boozled. this is a candy with the usual and unusual taste. i gave them to my schoolmate masha on birthday. she was happy because she had long wanted to try them. i wait from you the answer. write to me .

о круто халява


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Популярно: Английский язык