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Перевести на : "моя первая сессия мне было страшно сдавать экзамен по . все каникулы я готовилась. и сдав сразу уехала домой. ходила на каток, гуляла с друзьями. весело проводила время с мамой и папой. потому что я скучаю по ним находясь в городе. но каникулы закончились. и мне пришлось вернуться в город. во втором семестре я хочу получить как можно больше знаний. и ждать лето. до него осталось всего 16 понедельников."

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My first-term exams i was scared to sit the chemistry exam. all my winter hollidays i kept preparing. and having passed the exam went straight home. i went to the skating rink, had walks with friends. i had fun with mom and dad because i miss them when i am in the city. but the holidays were over. and i had to go back to the city. during the second semester, i want to get as much knowledge as possible. and i am going look for the summer. before it comes there are only 16 mondays to pass.

1. if you watch tv a lot your eyes and head suffer. your eyesight will be worse in a time and you will have a headache.  you spend your spare time on that doesn't worth it. 2. i would like to decrease advertising time and to increase time of educational telecasts. i don't like different tv shows like "house", "fasion judgement", "let them talk" so would like to  exclude such telecasts from russian tv.

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