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Как возвести в степень new, friendly, interactiv, expensive, tidy, fat, small, competitive. .

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Ответы на вопрос:

New-newer-the newest friendly-friendlier-the friendliest interactive-more interactive-the most interactive expensive-more expensive-the most expensive tidy-tidier-the tidiest fat-fatter-the fattest small-smaller-the smallest competitive-more competitive-the most competitive

New-newer-tne newest friendly-more friendly-the most friendly interactive-more interactive-the most interactive expensive  -more. . tidy-tidier-the tidiest fat-fatter-the fattest small-smaller-the smallest competitive  -more.. most..

In - это внутри (в) , то есть 'дупло внутри дерева' или 'дупло в дереве' hollow in the tree on - это на, то есть 'птица сидит на дереве' a bird sits on the tree

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