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Ответить на вопросы: 1. do you like fantasy? 2. who is your favourite fantasy writer? why? 3. what is your favourite fantasy film? why?

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1)yes to be pleasant, all people think and dream, it and is the imagination.2)ursula le guinn. very much its non-standard books which don't follow traditions of "other fantasy", tolkien or úelazny presented mainly by followers were pleasant. "wizard zemnomorya" and "the most distant coast" - the most sincere and penetrating books of this genre what i read. that and to you i wish.3) the vampire history falls under a genre parasite the city fantasy, mimicing years so five-seven back from a nice and great genre of mysticism.

the parasitic form managed to sit down so deeply in consciousness homyakus vulgaris what to take out it to turn out now exclusively with an interear nerve ganglion of the owner sow problems. it about the sore.

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