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Прямая и косвенная речь. согласование времен выберите правильный вариант. 13. she said that her flat because she key. a) cannot get, lost c) couldn't get, had lost b) couldn't get, has lost d) can't get, was losing 14. jane told everybody that a) had, tomorrow b) was having, tomorrow c) will have, the next day d) was having, the next day 15. mary told me that writing a nervous. a) is making c) will make b) made d) make 16. he said that america for two years. a) lived c) had been living b) had lived d) lives 17. they said that a) would leave, came c) will leave, came b) would leave, comes d) would leave, had come 18. jane told me that america. a) was nicer c) is being nicer b) has been nicer d) is nicer 19. i told everyone that the party at ten, but soon as possible. a) couldn't come, would arrive b) can't come, would arrive c) couldn't come, arrive d) can't come, will arrive 20. "how are your parents? " she asked. i answered that they very well. a) were c) have been b) are d) were being 21. — the play is boring. — is it? 1 thought you said ! a) is c) was b) were d) had been 22. mary told me that in the park and that . a) saw, had seemed c) had seen, seemed b) had seen, had seemed d) has seen, was seeming 23. he said that his car a few days ago. a) was stolen c) had been stolen b) has been stolen d) is stolen 24. jane told me that her house if in paris. a) could stay, was c) can to stay, was b) can stay, am d) could have stayed, was 25. mary answered that next month. a) is married c) was marrying b) was getting married d) is marrying

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Ответы на вопрос:

13.  c) couldn't get, had lost 14. d) was having, the next day 15. b) made 16. c) had been living / b) had lived 17. a) would leave, came 18. d) is/was nicer 19. a) couldn't come, would arrive 20. a) were 21.  was 22.  c) had seen, seemed 23. c) had been stolen 24. a) could stay, was 25. b) was getting married

1 - e

2 - f

3 - a

4 - d

5 - b

Lake 1

River 2

Desert 5

Ocean 4

Mountain 3


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