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Make the right choice 1. what is the (long , length) of the corridor? 2. how (long, length) is the street? 3. he is not (strong, strength) enough to fight with john. 4.my brother can lift the box because of his (strong, strength) 5. alice's skirt is too (wide, width) 6. we can't get the piano through the door because of its (wide, width) 7. is spring a (warm, warmth) season? 8. we left the (warm, warmth) of the sun on our faces and hands

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1length 2long 3strong 4strength 5wide 6width 7warm 8warmth

2lenght 1long 1strong 1 2 1 2

You mustn't late. you mustn't shout . you must hear the teacher

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