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Переведите предложения слон самое сильное животное. миша самый высокий в нашей группе. том самый умный учиник в школе. кобра опаснее чем скорпион. в городе лехче найти друзей. в городе больше машин и автобусов. в деревне труднее по магазинам.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The elephant is the strongest animal.misha is the tallest in our group.ucinek the smartest in the school.cobra is more dangerous than a scorpion.in the city of lecce to find friends.the city has more cars and buses.in the village more difficult shopping.

1. our friend was thought about by us all the time.2. he will be operated on by the doctor in a week.3. the pupil's parents were sent for by the teacher.4. the newspaper was looked for by them everywhere.5. the bed was slept in by nobody.6. the telegram was asked for by the neighbour.7. the lecturer was listened to by everybody with great attention.8. the freshman was laughed at by the senior students.9. the headmistress was spoken to by the group yesterday.10. the young mothers' babies were looked after with great care by the young mothers.

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