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Про чи тай фра зы и ска жи, ка кие из них не мо гут быть прав дой. 1) i can see a big green fox. 2) i can see a green street. 3) i can see a little red pig. 4) i can see black milk. 5) i can see a big hill and a tree. 6) i can see a green and red egg. 7) i can see a green cat and a red dog. 8) i can meet emily and harry

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Ответы на вопрос:

1,4,6,7 1,4,6,7 1,4,6,7

1, 4, 7 (если их должно быть несколько)

1.for what is needed currency? 2.is it possible to exchange rubles on a dollar? 3.from where come demands in currency market? 4.when currecy is going down in value? 5.how currency is delievered to market? 6.what it equilibrium price? 7.wht the price of euro is changing? 8.which event happened on the 1st january of 1999? 9.which are duties of the central banks? 10.where the currency is needed?

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