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I. choose a correct variant: (выбрать правильный вариант, подчеркнуть или выделить цветом) 1. listen, you must your parents about it immediately. tell/ to tell 2. no, i do it tomorrow. mustn’t/ don’t must 3. she must it. remembers/ remember/ to remember 4. study english every day? do me must/ must we 5. she look after her little sister. has to/ have to/ haves to 6. people mustn’t lessons of history. forget/ to forget 7. must i come here on weekends? – yes, you do/ you must

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Ответы на вопрос:

Tell mustn`t remember must we has to forget you must

You have already had dinner, haven't you?   yes, i have. your friends have had a football game today, haven't they?   no, they haven't. you have never built a sandcastle, have you?   yes, i have. you haven't found a very old book, have you?   no, i haven't. your friends have sent you an e-mail, haven't they?   yes, they have.

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