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Ответить на вопросы , 1.what do you want to be in future? 2. what field would you like to be in ? 3. what do you know about your future profession? 4. is this profession now or old ? 5. what do you need to get this profession? 6. what do you think about new professions in our life? 7. ls education or training necessary to be successful in life?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.i want to be a flight attendant 2. field in moscow ? 3.know what need the english language and good study 4. is this profession now or old ? know 5 languages and learning well 6.i love her and i think she's very good 7мне education( я про себя писала) половино

1. please __ don't forget__  the dog in the morning and afternoon. 2. but 't her near the wong’s house. she chases their cat. 3. please  lock the back door before you go out. the key is in the door. 4. also, to turn out the lights. we have light electricity bills. 5. p ut   glass or newspaper the garbage. they go in the green bin. we recycle them. 6.don't have  the garbage on the sidewalk on tuesday morning. 7. me if you have any problems. 8. but __ don't after 11: 00. we go to bed early when we’re on vacation. 9.have fun, and enjoy  the house.

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