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Дополните слова фразами из правой колонки. 1. an artist a. are used to make computers. 2. doctors b. explain the meanings of words. 3. a tailor ñ makes photocopies. 4. microchips d. rules the world. 5. dictionaries e. write computer programmes. 6. a businessman f. makes and sells bread. 7. a xerox g. writes stories and novels. 8. information h. give customers money from their banks. 9. programmers i. looks after little children. 10. a baker j. arranges shows. 11. a writer k. contact us with many people. 12. cash dispensers l. does business. 13. a babysitter m. paints pictures. 14. a showman n. makes men’s clothes. 15. mobile phones o. treat people.

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1. an artist m. paints pictures. 2. doctors o. treat people. 3. a tailor n. makes men’s clothes. 4. microchips a. are used to make computers. 5. dictionaries b. explain the meanings of words. 6. a businessman l. does business. 7. a xerox ñ makes photocopies. 8. information d. rules the world. 9. programmers e. write computer programmes. 10. a baker f. makes and sells bread. 11. a writer g. writes stories and novels. 12. cash dispensers h. give customers money from their banks. 13. a babysitter i. looks after little children. 14. a showman j. arranges shows.15. mobile phones k. contact us with many people.

Ответ: sydney, т.е b

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