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Переведите : the favourite pet of all time is the dog.if you have got a pet dog,you are a friendly person who likes talking to people.you don't have any secrets.people like to be around you because you are other people's feelings.

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Любимым  питомцем всех времен является собака.когда  вы '' заводите''  собаку, вы становитесь дружелюбным человеком, который любит поговорить с людьми. у вас нет секретов .люди  хотели бы  быть вокруг вас, потому что вы цените  чужие чувства.

Today i would like to paint a portrait-story about the successful person. cocoa and how it should look? all this i write in my essay.                             successful people are always confident and looks straight into the future.even if he has something does not work, he goes to his goal, and it helps him become successful.

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